Time To Apply for Patent

Once you have narrowed down your idea, and believe it to be new and different, apply for the patent. The US Patent Office website has instructions online you can review. In your search you’ll more than likely find inventions similar to your idea. The burden is on you to show your concept is different.

You can file a provisional patent application or a regular patent application. The provisional patent application allows you to claim patent pending status but is not a full application. The fee is lower and your drawings can be an informal representation. However, you do need to go back and file a full application within one year as you can read from https://www.techtimes.com/articles/246245/20191127/why-inventhelp-is-essential-for-entrepreneurs.htm.

You need to pay a fee for independent inventors (and companies with less than 500 employees). For larger firms it will cost much more. If you are on a budget, keep in mind that you need to pay even more fees when the patent is issued. And that is still not all – you have to pay fees to keep it in force until its expiration date.

With the amount of work involved, the considerable time investment, not to mention the ongoing fees at various stages, learning how to obtain a patent is not a casual undertaking. However, if you truly believe your idea will improve the world, putting forth the effort and learning how to file a patent will be worth it. There are also professional patenting companies, such as InventHelp, that can help you complete the process of patenting your invention.

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