Are you ready to file for a Patent?

First, have you created a brilliant concept for a unique product and you are sure it is practical and can generate a great income? Have you ensured that your idea is completely original and cannot be found anywhere in the market? Are you sure that nobody is already manufacturing your product? Have you found out if somebody already conceptualized your new invention idea and been approved even though it was not successful in the market?

If your answer to all these questions is yes then you are ready to protect your new invention. Here are some guidelines to help you understand the process you’ll take when you file for a patent.

Establish whether your invention is eligible. In the process of understanding the steps taken when you file for a patent, we gave you the website of the United States Patent and Trademark office. This is a good place to search, or at least start your search. There are over 7-million patents that can be searched as shown in post.

Compile an application comprising all the sections that are required by the USPTO. This basically incorporates a vivid illustration of the makeup of your invention, how it works, a list of its features that distinguish it from other inventions, a clear explanation of what characteristics of your invention, and a signed pledge or affirmation.

Make an illustration/drawing of your invention depicting all its parts and features. The drawings can be formal or just straightforward sketches. Once approved, you will be required to submit comprehensive drawings before you are issued with a patent. There are companies that will do your drawings for you for a nominal fee. Some have USPTO guarantees. This means the drawing itself will pass the application process. It however, does not mean the application will be approved.

To file for a patent you will also need to agree on the fee. The filing fee is usually cheaper for independent creators or companies with less than 500 employees. It is more costly for larger organizations.

Once you have determined the fee, the next step is to file the application, together with the drawings and the required fee at the USPTO.

The next thing to do will be to correspond with the USPTO concerning the status of your invention idea and its eligibility. This can take more than a whole year. There are some websites that offer information for each step taken during this procedure.

Once approved and issued, you will be required to pay the issue fee. The amount will depend on whether it is for a small enterprise or a large one.

When you file for a patent nobody will be in a position to steal your concepts or new inventions. The patent is a way of giving credit to the first person to come up with a new and unique helpful innovation. When you file for a patent you receive exclusive rights for your idea as explained on

The recommended option to file for a patent is to hire a patent law firm or patent attorney. However, there are agents other services and software that can permit you to do it by yourself. The choice you make will highly depend on your financial situation. The most important factor to consider is that the process is done efficiently and accurately. It does not matter which road you will use as the actual procedure will remain the same.

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