All buyers at Wish have the privilege of rating the seller and leaving feedbacks. It is a fact that as a seller, you would want to make sure that your customers are all happy and contented with the items they have purchased that would urge them to give you good ratings. As you gain more buyers, you collect more positive feedback and build a more solid seller rating.
Aside from leaving comments, you can rate a seller. Your rating will be based upon the following questions:
- Is the item the same as it was described in the auction listing and did it meet your expectations?
- Did the seller email you after the auction, or did you have to contact them? What was their general communication with you like?
- How long did it take for your item to arrive?
- Were the shipping and handling charges fair? How did you react to the way the item was packed for shipping?
- Were you pleased with the overall level of customer service?
To get a perfect score, a seller must make sure that the description in the listing accurately matches with the actual item. In case there are minor flaws, these should be clearly disclosed in the description. If your customer finds out upon receipt of the item that the item fails to meet his/her expectations, you will surely be given a low score.
The length of time of the delivery, the overall cost of the item and the overall level of customer service are other factors that can affect your score. Of course, you’ll want to make sure that the items will be delivered on the exact time frame that you promised. Finding a reliable shipping service is crucial to avoid delays or damages to the product.
Wish sellers are advised to get in touch with their buyers before and after the sale has been made. This way, you can immediately make arrangements in case your customer has issues about the transaction. You can expect that the buyer would most likely do a transaction with you again once he is satisfied with the kind of service you have rendered. These are just some basic tips. If you are serious about your business you should search for a detailed guide on how to become a seller on Wish.
It’s Your Turn to Rate Other Sellers
Indeed, sellers are encouraged to support the community by purchasing from other sellers. Exercise your right to rate others and get to experience being an Wish buyer first hand. One advantage of purchasing is that you can observe how the Power Sellers of Wish work. By doing so, you can learn from your own experience and improve your own services based on what you’ve gone through as a buyer.