When do you need a foreign patent application?

A United States patent provides rights only within the United States against infringers, including the right to prevent importation of products into the U.S. made by a patented process. If you expect substantial foreign sales or foreign competitors, you may consider obtaining a patent in one or more foreign countries.

Foreign patent protection can be very expensive since there is the need eventually to file your patent application in each country and file translations into the appropriate language.

There are procedures where you can initially file an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in which a search and preliminary examination are performed initially prior to entrance into a regional or national phase as explained on https://www.techtimes.com/articles/249715/20200518/how-inventhelp-gets-new-inventors-onto-the-right-path.htm.

Using this procedure allows you to delay the decision as to the countries in which the application will be filed. Your patent attorney can provide much more guidance regarding foreign patent application procedures.

Any publication, public use or disclosure prior to your filing date may bar you from obtaining a foreign patent. It is often advisable to file the foreign patent application within one year after the filing of the U.S. patent application (including a provisional application) as you can read on https://www.valuewalk.com/2020/05/medical-invention-covid-19/.

A license must be obtained from the USPTO to file your patent application in a foreign country unless more than six months have passed since your US filing date (unless the USPTO has informed you otherwise).

Ideas Becoming Inventions

The goal for all inventors is to see their ideas become a reality. To do this your product or idea must, at the very minimum, be unique, technically feasible, have a potential marketplace and most important, be legally protected (you cannot license what you do not own).

Official Record of Invention

The first step is to complete the Official Record of Invention form. A basic drawing, highlighting the major components of your product or idea, and brief answers to the questions on the form is all that is needed to get the process started as you can see on https://www.youtube.com/user/inventhelp.

Why Should You Hire a Respected Patent Attorney / Lawyer?

If you feel that your invention is potentially licensable after doing your diligence and conducting the appropriate licensing research, you should then request the services of a patent attorney to draft a complete patent application for your invention.

Although hiring a reputable patent lawyer isn’t cheap you have the piece of mind knowing that your ideas are protected. Read more about the benefits of hiring a patent attorney or an patenting agency on https://www.tmcnet.com/topics/articles/2020/03/24/444881-everything-need-know-inventhelp.htm.

Choosing the Right US Patent Law Firm?

When searching for a US patent law firm be sure to choose a firm that has attorneys that are available for both early and late stage counseling on all matters relating to intellectual property protection, drafting applications, invention capture, infringement analysis, as well as prosecution of patent applications in the U.S.

Know How To Draft A Quality Application

With your invention in hand, you may be ready to walk down to the US Patent Office and file the necessary paperwork to get your invention patented and protected. While growing up you may have heard that this was quite commonly the practice, it actually takes much more work and a lot of money to make it happen.

One of the key aspects of filing a patent is to have it done correctly so that your patent goes through and provides you with the level of protection that you require. The good news is that the process does not have to be difficult if you have the right people helping you through the process as was described in https://www.jpost.com/Special-Content/Get-Your-Invention-Off-the-Ground-with-the-Support-of-InventHelp-624132.

The question that you have to ask is this: is the drafting of the patent application done well enough to insure that my patent goes through. In some situations, small errors can be a long term problem you face. A good patent attorney is someone that will insure that this does not happen and you should have taken the time to insure that the attorney is in fact the best available to you.

One area to consider is the inventions patent application drafting in terms to patent searches. A patent search will go through and locate any potential inventions that are too similar to your own in which you may be violating patent law. It determines just how much patentability your product has. The patent attorney or patent service that you hire to handle it does this (usually) as written in https://spacecoastdaily.com/2020/03/inventhelp-the-way-forward-for-new-inventors/ article.

Patent Registration Systems

Patent applications can be made within the two systems:

a. Examination patent system

b. Patent system without review

Patent research is a research conducted by official institutions for the invention that is the subject of a patent application. The patent applicant must request a patent search within 15 months from the date of filing the patent application. As a result of this patent research, the closest documents in the known state of the art related to the subject of the invention are determined and a patent search report is prepared as explained in https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/gotconcept/elon-musks-greatest-inventions/ post.

The patent research report sheds light on the extent to which the patent application meets the patentability criteria. As specific to US, after a patent search report, the patent applicant must examine the patent system or as patent examination system recognized the right to choose one of two systems.

After the patent research report that comes as a result of the patent research, the applicant does not request a patent examination and can choose the patent system without examination. In this case, the patent applicant is given an unexamined patent document which provides 7 years of protection. The owner of the U.S. Patent Registration Certificate can convert the patent without examination to the patented patent by requesting a patent examination before the 7-year period expires.

Patent review is an examination by official institutions for the invention that is the subject of a patent application. The patent applicant should request a patent review after the patent research report is obtained. Patent review is the comparison of the invention subject to patent application and the closest patent documents specified in the patent research report. As a result of this patent examination report, it is decided whether to issue a patent document with examination. The Examined Patent Registration Document provides the patent applicant with a 20-year period as you can read from https://blog.chron.com/frugalconfessions/2020/03/how-much-can-you-make-from-patenting-your-idea/.

The First Step in Making Your Invention a Reality

Before you spend a lot of money trying to patent your invention, you should first get an expert opinion about whether your idea is patentable, or whether you would just be wasting your time and money.

The first step in the patent process is to determine whether your invention is truly new and novel. If anyone else came up with the idea before you did, you probably will not be able to get a patent. So, the first thing you need to do is called a patent search (also known as a prior art search).

This involves searching through special databases and thousands of government files to see whether anyone already has a patent on your particular invention. It is a good idea to spend a little money up front and have a professional patenting agency, such as InventHelp, do your patent search, which could save you a ton of money in the long run!

Regular Patent Search

A regular patent search is a thorough investigation of related products, patents, and patent applications. This search delves more deeply into the comparison of similar inventions to see whether a client’s invention is truly patentable.

The client will be given a full report of the completed search. The report will contain a summary of related patents/applications, how they are different or similar to the client’s invention, and a concise opinion as to the patentability of the client’s invention (i.e. should the client draft and submit a patent application).

Provisional Patent Application

A provisional patent application is a way of establishing an early date for the protection of an invention. It is fairly inexpensive, and gives the inventor one year to file a regular patent application. This time may be used to conduct market research if the inventor is unsure of the economic potential of their invention. The provisional application is very similar to a regular patent application in that it clearly describes everything about an invention including how to make it, and the most appropriate ways to use it as explained on https://southfloridareporter.com/how-inventhelp-can-assist-with-new-invention-ideas/.

Since each provisional application is unique, the only fair way to charge for this service is by the hour. Consequently, more complex applications will cost more because they will take longer to draft. Furthermore, the client will be responsible for all United States Patent and Trademark Office fees in addition to the hourly charge.

Patent Claim

The most important part of the patent is a “claim” because it defines the metes and bounds of intellectual property which you claim belongs to you.

If a patent was directed to a pencil, then the patent may claim a simple pencil as follows:

“A pencil comprising (1) a wood piece, (2) a lead piece within the wood piece; and (3) an eraser attached to the wood piece with a metal sleeve crimped onto the eraser and wood piece.”

With this claim, even though the pencil invention is patentable subject matter, a person who submits a patent application directed to the pencil will not receive a patent grant for such an invention. The reason is that patent law states that you may obtain a patent grant if your invention is not embodied or disclosed in a single prior art as shown in https://www.canyon-news.com/how-inventhelp-can-assist-you-as-a-new-inventor/106365 post.

In other words, you may obtain a patent if your invention is novel. Here, the above stated pencil claim is within the prior art and is not novel. In this regard, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will not grant a patent with the above given pencil claim.

Let us assume that you invent something to add to the pencil invention. In particular, let us assume that you invention a special type of glue which makes attachment of the eraser to the wood more effective and cheaper to manufacture compared to the metal sleeve.

In this regard, your pencil invention is not disclosed within the prior art and is considered to be novel in view of the prior art. Nonetheless, you may obtain a patent if your invention is non-obvious in view of the prior art.

The term non-obvious is a term of art used among patent agents and attorney and is similar to but does not mean literally non-obvious. Simply put, what you as an expert in your field of knowledge may consider to be obvious may be considered to be non-obvious in the “patent” sense.

For example, generally, reducing the size of the invention does not make the invention patentable. In other words, you may not receive a patent for the world’s smallest pencil. However, specifically, if there were some unexpected results with making the pencil that small, then you may receive a patent on the world’s smallest pencil.

For example, if by making the pencil small, you were able to attach the eraser to the wood piece through an electrostatic charge instead of through the metal sleeve or adhesive, then you may receive a patent on the world’s smallest pencil.

Bottom line, generally, if you invent something, you should seek professional advice from patenting experts, like InventHelp, to determine whether your invention is worth patenting and is likely to ultimately end in an issued patent.

What is the Best Way to File for a Patent?

The feat of inventing or discovering a new item that makes the world a better place is a monumental achievement. The majority of individuals are only able to invent one object in their lifetime, while there are others who are able to create multiple items. Regardless of the number of creations a person makes, each inventor should take the necessary steps to protect their work by file for a patent.

Legal Assistance

A patent attorney that is educated and familiar with what it takes to file for a patent is the best way to guard your invention. These legal professionals have years of experience helping inventors file for a patent so that your legal ownership rights are officially established. It is important to note that you can complete the application process yourself, but it is advisable that you hire an experienced patent attorney or patenting agency, like InventHelp, to ensure that your patent is properly completed.

An experienced attorney that is familiar with the procedures to file for a patent is crucial because they thoroughly understand intellectual property law. This knowledge and education allows them to provide you with the best legal advice possible when you are looking to file for a patent.

The Registration Process

In order to file for a patent, a skilled patent lawyer will gather the necessary information regarding your invention which includes searching the patent database. Without this data, your lawyer will not be able to properly advise and protect your item from others.

Selecting the right attorney to represent you when you are looking to file for a patent is important because your application for the patent is on the line. If you were to select a patent attorney that does not have the necessary experience, your application could be denied.

Once your application to file for a patent is completed, the attorney will submit the application and required documentation to the United States Patent and Trademark Office for review and approval. This takes an average of 2 years.

Why a Patent is Important

It is vital to file for a patent on anything that you discover or create because another party can come along and take credit for it. Large companies may discover that you are creating something unique and important and could take your idea and make millions or even billions of dollars off your invention. You would not be able to receive one cent of it if you did not file for a patent.

When you file for a patent, you are putting the world on notice that you are the genuine inventor. A patent will allow you to receive compensation and recognition for those items should they prove to be useful to the public. You will be able to exclusively manufacture and sell the patented item for 14 to 20 years, depending on the type of patent you receive as described in https://azbigmedia.com/business/why-new-inventors-turn-to-inventhelp-for-support/ post.

Making the Right Decision

If you are looking to file for a patent, then you should consider speaking with a patent lawyer. They will be happy to answer all your questions and review your current situation to ensure that your invention is properly covered.

Intellectual Property Lawyers: Make sure you hire the one that meets your needs

Intellectual Property Law covers a very broad section of legal issues. This involving contracts, patents, trademarks, copyrights, etc. Intellectual Property Lawyers have varying degrees of expertise which can range from being a generalist in the field to specializing in sub-specialties that can range from information technology to transactional entertainment law.

So it is important that you focus your search for a Intellectual Property Lawyers to those who advertise themselves as having expertise in the area of the legal problems or issues that you need to resolve. There are professional patenting agencies, like InventHelp, too.

Often business lawyers will have some knowledge of Intellectual Property Law so if you are in business and have a working relationship with a business lawyer you can ask him if he can advise you in the matter of Intellectual Property Law.

He may be able to analyze your legal needs and provide a plan that can resolve them. If not he may be able to provide you several names of Intellectual Property Lawyers who could help you. Ask for several names so that you can research them to see who will best serve your needs.

To hire the best possible Intellectual Property Attorney you need to use the telephone book or the internet to create a list of potential attorneys then check the background information on each attorney on that list. Check the internet to see if the lawyer has a web site or a biography listed on any of the legal sites.

Call the lawyer and ask about his area of expertise. Request a preliminary interview to determine if he has an interest in representing you to determine if you can work with him. One of the things to determine in this interview is how he explains the process to you.

If he speaks in legalize and does not explain the terms in everyday language that you can understand you probably do not want his services. Do this for each lawyer on your list before you make a determination as to which Intellectual Lawyer you use as the ability to work with your lawyer is of critical importance in a long term relationship.

Since some Intellectual Property Lawyers specialize in transaction work while others specialize in litigation it is important that you choose one who specializes in your problem area as described in https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/gotconcept/the-next-big-thing-in-invention/. If you are applying for copyright protection or registering a trademark you should consider a transaction lawyer but if you are being sued or want to sue then you should select a lawyer that specializes in Intellectual Property litigation.

Ecommerce for Business

Ecommerce website has become one most essential requirement of the business entrepreneurs. This is especially true when they look forward to take their store on the web. Now, developing a fully functional ecommerce website is essential to get the most out of that effort and for that reason hiring just about any website designing company can never bring you the anticipated result. There are several components to the web design process that you must remember while hiring an ecommerce website development company. Here we will discuss about the three key aspects of ecommerce website design and establishment.

To the very first place it comes about unique designing. Your ecommerce website design must give out a unique flavor to your web users and must be anything but jarring. A simple looking interface is always adored by the website visitors and that is where the success of a website lies. You need to explore the eCommerce websites to get an idea about the smart page designs. When you look to the other stunning pages on the internet you will surely be trying to figure out how to either match or exceed their standards. This is the way how you can come up with unique ideas for your very own website. Here you must ensure that the website design company that you are hiring is proficient in the latest tools and technologies and capable of meeting your unique requirements. The techniques they use should be up to date. No matter whether the pages are designed on Flash, CSS, or other advanced technologies, they should essentially be light weight so that they don’t take much time to get loaded.

After that it comes about perfect Development of the site. Here the term Perfect stands for flawless functioning. Your ecommerce website must be error free to enable a smooth access. This is the reason why Ecommerce website design requires professional touch, to say the least. In other words it is truly essential for a web owner to ensure that the web designer he or she is hiring knows what they are doing. Ecommerce website designing is actually not a child play and your web designer should know all of the different protocols, languages and techniques. The general idea is you need an ecommerce website that meet the modern standard from every aspect.

Finally it is about successfully promoting your ecommerce website on the web. This is normally performed by the service popularly known as Search Engine Optimization or SEO in short. SEO is a clever way through which you can pull the target traffic towards your website and can even convert that traffic into prospective client. It requires you to use perfect keywords and several other specific techniques. The basic objective of this process is to make the search engine crawlers fetch and index the web pages. Now optimizing a normal dynamic website and an ecommerce site is different and the website designer you have hired must have that knowledge and understanding to provide you with the most perfect solution.

Improving Your Office

If you want your office renovation project in Singapore to end up the way you expected, then you should take into account the importance of planning. Otherwise, disasters, stressful outcomes, and disappointments may come in. In other words, regardless if your office renovation project is small or big, you should learn to stick with your original plan as much as possible, and for you to do that, here are some basic points to think through:

1) Evaluate your office

In this project, before you start on the planning phase, it is advised to evaluate first if your office really needs to be remodelled or renovated. In most cases it is not the whole office that needs to go through renovation. There will only be selected areas that might need to be repaired, or improved and more often than not, the renovation project would start off with the areas that have broken things.

2) Budget

Many business owners love to have their offices renovated but usually opt not to pursue their plans because of financial issues. That is mostly because they have focused quite much on planning without considering their budget. So to avoid that, it is best to review your budget first before moving on to your planning phase. You can always start on the simpler and affordable tasks like changing the paintings of the rooms, the flooring materials, and the lighting.

3) Priority

Learn to prioritize needs over wants. While there are areas in your office that you want to beautify, there might also be other areas that need to be repaired as soon as possible. During cases like this, thinking over and weighing your priorities will surely keep you away from dilemmas.

4) Safety

Since safety should come first in the line, before starting on your office renovation project, make sure that everything is handled cautiously. Electricity should be turned off and other potential hazards like leakages should be checked before starting the project. Switching your office’s smoke alarm on, if you have one, will also help to keep you more alert in case unwanted incidents occur.

5) Professional

Last but definitely not the least, what you should also think through is assistance. In other words, assess if this project requires you to seek help from a professional Office Renovation Singapore company. While doing it all by yourself will seem to save you money, there are still other tasks that only office improvement experts and professionals can perform. Deciding to hire professionals for your office renovation project will also save you time and effort.