What Happens After Patent Application Has Been Filed

After the patent application has been properly completed and filed, and assuming that all of the statutory requirements have been met and the fees have been paid, the USPTO will review the application much like any other application process. The office will check to see if other patents exist that are closely related to your idea and whether or not the invention is useful, is novel and is non-obvious.

There is no hard-and-fast timetable for a decision on an application for a patent. This timetable largely depends on the backlog with the USPTO at any given time, and on average, it takes at least one year if not more to receive a final decision. In the meantime, as long as a valid application has been received, an invention can be labeled as ‘patent pending,’ which provides at least a limited amount of protection while the application is in process.

If a patent application is denied, it basically means that it did not meet at least one of the standards mentioned above. If you find yourself in this position, you have appeal rights at your disposal, but you’ll need a patent attorney or a patent agency with an attorney, such as patent InventHelp agency, to help you through this complicated process with the USPTO. You also have the option of filing another application, but this may not be advisable under certain circumstances.

Regardless of your specific situation, applying for a United States patent is a long, involved and complicated process, and it should not be done without legal help. You need to work with an experienced patent attorney, such as patent invention InventHelp attorney, who understands the basics of patent law and how to properly formulate your application to give it the best chance for approval. It’s generally known that more than 90% of patent applications are initially denied, so do not become discouraged if this has happened to you.

Filing for a patent involves choosing the type of patent – provisional, utility, or design, and every application must meet certain tests, including utility, non-obvious nature, novelty and be involved with processes, machines, compositions of matter, manufactured items or new uses of any of the above. Additionally, can take years for an application to be approved or denied, which is why you need to work with the attorneys to give yourself the best chance for approval from the USPTO.

Patentability Search and Patent Applications

Before you decide to pursue your idea, you should be confident that a market exists for you new idea that is at least large enough to cover your investment costs and hopefully, significantly larger than that.

Determining Patentability

It is advisable to have a patentability search conducted before you invest time or money in a new project idea. If cost is a factor initially, you can conduct a free preliminary patent search on the Internet. However, before a patent application is filed, a search should be conducted at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Benefits of a Patentability Search and Opinion on Patentability

A patentability search reveals the closest “prior art”(i.e. the closest patents, published patent applications and other public information relevant to your idea). The opinion on patentability is prepared based on the closest prior art. It is possible to draft the broadest claims to which you are entitled based on the prior art and the prior art can also serve as a basis for refining your invention further. If a conflict is located, it may be possible to design around the prior art to avoid a conflict. It is all explained in details on how to apply for a patent with InventHelp article.

Provisional Patent Applications

A provisional patent application extends the deadline for filing a utility patent application by one year and it is less expensive to file than a utility patent application. A utility patent application must be filed however, within on year of filing the provisional patent application because the provisional application does not result in a patent.

Prior to preparing and filing a provisional patent application, it is advisable to have a patentability search conducted at the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Utility (Non-Provisional) Patent Applications

A utility patent (sometimes referred to as a non-provisional patent) protects the function of a device or method. The cost to prepare and file a utility patent application, including the filing costs to the US Government and drafting costs that can increase depending upon the complexity of the subject matter.

Prior to preparing and filing a utility patent application, it is advisable to have a patentability search conducted at the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Design Patent Applications

Design patents protect the ornamental features of an invention. Unlike a utility patent, a design patent does not protect functional features. For that reason, normally a utility patent is preferred. However, there are situations where the invention includes ornamental features that are significant and therefore deserve to be protected with a patent. Moreover, having a design patent allows you to mark your product and advertising with the the patented indication as you can read on how to patent a product with InventHelp blog post.

The Best Handgun

The world has become a very dangerous place to live in; in fact, many people are not even safe in their very own homes. Cases of murder, homicide, assault and rape hog the headlines, especially when these crimes happen in a person’s home. Every man is a king in his own right. Moreover, he is also the protector of his home. When something is suspicious at night in his house, it is his job to check on things. What should he do if there is a robber or murderer in his home? Today is the time to discuss the best handgun for home defense, for people who want to protect themselves.

Any handgun is available indoors and can be secretly hidden almost anywhere in the house – and ready to be used. Among all of the guns, it is the easiest to retain, especially in hand-to-hand combat. If one is ambidextrous, it can be fired quickly in an emergency situation, especially with revolvers. A number of pistols and revolvers from a variety of 9mm to .38 calibers up, together with right amount of ammunition, offer excellent firepower for people in their homes without the extensive damage of a much more powerful deer rifle or shotgun filled with slugs. Handguns are much less likely to severely damage a house if one is trying to protect compared to a shotgun. For all of these reasons, majority of homeowners choose handguns as their weapon of choice for defending their homes.

The best handgun for home defense for personal and home protection is the .45. This handgun stops a man on his tracks, pure and simple. The .45 slug, with its comparatively effective, slow standard-load muzzle speed, ensures that any intruder that gets hit is going to be torn apart, torn off or knocked down silly. Having the .45 is very important in a self or home defense setting, and incapacitating an intruder is a must. When a man shoots a robber with a .45 in either arm, shoulders, hips, torso, thighs or knees, the odds are heavily stacked for that fiend to be able to mount any kind of serious or a deadly assault. Factors like low velocity, the mass of the slug, minimizes the dangers of it passing through the person and causing possible collateral damage.

For many people, a .45 Colt Combat Commander is their best handgun for home defense, and the best accessories from Magpul. And for cheap Magpul products and Colt guns you can refer to the internet. There are plenty of manufacturers that produce these high quality handguns compared to revolvers for easy and fast reloading, as well as its compact design), and the best thing is that people can choose .45s that are according to the size of their hands, “feel”, and a choice between a single or double action .45. Any would-be-intruder will definitely be intimidated by the recoil of a noisy .45. Initially, anyone who is new to using large caliber handguns like the .45 can be frightened in using them, but one who practices well in using this type of home defense weapon will overcome any problems they encounter initially. Lastly, the muzzle flash from a .45 is very helpful, which is substantial in making second and consecutive shots in dark places.

Smart Product Developers and Businesses File a Patent. Here’s Why!

From an investment and legal standpoint, a patent provides great competitive advantages. As a patent owner, you can legally exclude others from making, using or selling the invention and thus be the first on the market with a new invention, which greatly increases the chances of success. In addition, patents also allow you to generate revenue by licensing the right to make, use or sell the invention to other third party individuals or companies who in return will pay you a royalty.

From a marketing standpoint, once you file a patent, you can use the term “patent pending” on any promotional or advertisement material. “Patent Pending” is also a great marketing tool that many businesses use to drum up publicity and increase value in the eyes of the general public. You can read more about it on – How to get a patent with InventHelp.

There are three types of patents: utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. Of the three, the utility patent is the most common as it protects how an invention works or functions. If a product has a unique ornamental appearance or design, then a design patent can be obtained to protect the overall appearance of the invention of product (e.g. Apple’s iPod design). Utility patents are granted a limited monopoly of 20 years from the date of its earliest filing (14 yrs for Design Patents). After that, the patent falls into the general public domain.

Due to the complexities and intricacies of the U.S. Patent Laws and the procedures of the USPTO, there are a myriad of potential pitfalls that await a laymen or even a general practitioner attempting to maneuver a patent application through registration.

Obtaining a quality patent for your invention is one of the most important things you can do to protect your investment and is a complex procedure. You should consult a Registered Patent Attorney or a patenting agency, like InventHelp to handle this and to advise you on the patent registration process as you can see from – How to patent a product with InventHelp.

In addition, unlike invention promotion companies, patent attorneys are held to higher ethical standards and bound to confidentiality and attorney-client privileges, in addition to be legally and technically trained. Lastly, and most importantly, the objective(s) of your patent attorney is solely to write the best patent application as possible to obtain the best protection on your invention.

Sell Your Home Quickly

There are a number of tried, tested and trusted strategies that you can utilize to differentiate your Macon home from the competition and sell your house quickly. In a buyer’s market, you will need to work harder to achieve the price that you want, however, it is possible, provided you are willing to be flexible.


You house is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. While there are statistics that you can access in relation to recent sales prices in your area, these are really only a guide, and may not reflect the current market – which at the moment, is highly volatile and fluctuating. If you want to sell your home quickly, you will need to lower the price to meet the market demand. There is one  other option. You can look for home buying companies in Macon and sell your house as is, fast and for a good price as well. You can simply type something like “sell inherited house Macon” or “sell my house fast Macon” and you’l see several home buying companies you can refer to.

Street Appeal

The lure of a home with strong street appeal, or curb appeal, is undeniable. If you want to instantly make an impression, and position the buyer to view your home favorably, you should consider spending some time and/or money on making your front facade shine.

Simple jobs can make a world of difference, for example:

  • Remove cobwebs
  • Clean windows
  • Paint window frames
  • Install a beautiful, character-filled letter box
  • Ensure the front garden is immaculate and filled with flowers
  • Keep kids toys, animal accessories to a minimum

The Entrance

As your prospective purchaser enters your property, they should immediately see something visually beautiful and smell something wonderful. Fresh flowers in the hall smell heavenly and also look beautiful. Have some wooden furniture that has been cleaned with fragrant wood polish, and make sure the floors or carpets are freshly cleaned.

Major Expenses

You want to give the impression that areas of the home that can be costly to repair are in good working order. People like homes that have had a new boiler installed, that have new kitchens and bathrooms and that have good plumbing, roofing and wiring. If any of these are going to be an issue with a structural report or building report, be upfront with your buyer and negotiate the cost off the asking price. Remember, it is often not as simple as saying – the roof needs replacing so I will take $15,000 of the asking price – because it will be hard for most buyers to get finance for repairs or improvements.

Awesome Inventions from School Children

Hopefully you benefit from the ideas indicated here and join all of us in supporting the following generation.

Oil sucker

This creation will suck up oil brought on by oil splatters and oil tankers, and pump motor it right into a pipe, likely to an oil refinery. This device can be placed directly under ships and rigs, then when the oil spills, anyone presses the button, and the device goes shooting toward the oil, sucks it up, and carries it towards the pipe. These pipes can be found in the Indian Sea, Pacific Sea, and the Atlantic Sea.

The gadget can carry lots of oil from 500 km each hour, so it reaches the pipe quickly. This invention can help save a variety of wildlife from perishing from exposure to oil, and keeps the ocean clean as elaborated in this article on https://ohionewstime.com/why-inventors-should-seek-help-from-the-professionals-at-inventhelp/282978/.

The Safety Fingerprint Weapon

This gun can help in eliminating felony acts as well as careless errors. When you purchase the weapon, you must completely fill out an identity card and register your own fingerprints.

These details are stored within the gun’s storage memory chip. To utilize the weapon, you should place your own thumb on the scanner on the handle from the gun before you shoot. If another person tries to use the weapon, and the fingerprints do not match, it’ll lock and never shoot.

The Tree Growing and Planting Machine

This creation and invention by school kids helps solve the issue of deforestation. The machine vegetates bigger and better trees effortlessly. This device attaches to some tree stump eliminator and may be used after a person cuts the tree in the forest. When whole jungles are deforested, this machine may be used to automatically replant them for future years.

The device comes preprogrammed to produce a variety of trees via genetic design. By selecting the right options pointed out by buttons on the machine, you might create your own personal tree that’ll be stronger, reside longer, come to be wider within diameter to create more wood, or end up being resistant to something that harms plants.

The Peace Chip

The serenity chip is really a nice device, that after being implanted inside a person’s entire body through surgical treatment makes the individual hate battle and battling, and as such, has peace. It has no unwanted effects, and can be quite useful with regard to criminals as well as bad individuals.  The chip is positioned in the leg. Any chip costs five dollars, plus two hundred and fifty dollars for the surgery, adding up to the total cost of two hundred and fifty five dollars.

Universal Recycling Device

This device can recycle a myriad of waste. It operates on Solar Energy and may also use garbage to produce energy. For those who have toxic waste materials, we permit us a RECYCLING ROBOT to finish the recycling function. You simply put your own garbage into the machine and push the ON-button, and the computer inspects what types of garbage you simply put within. Then out come the recycled materials – document paper, chemical compounds and various metals. This invention of school kids can help to recycle waste to make outcomes that are friendly for the environment.

Most inventors, even children come up with brilliant ideas but ditch them for lack of funds, resources or knowledge about how to go about doing the first thing with their idea. But if you need more help with deciding whether to patent or sell your invention is best, then you must consult with professionals, such as InventHelp agency.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property is that which you can own even though it has no direct, physical embodiment. (If it was land, it would be ‘real property’, while if it were cash, stocks, or other ‘things’ it would be ‘personal property’). Intellectual Property is always described, usually by some form of writing, and will be one or more of the following classes: a Patent; a Trade- or Service- Mark; a Copyright; or a Trade Secret. The reason I say ‘or more’, is that some (but not all) Intellectual Property can be both the subject of a patent and a copyright, or a trademark and a copyright.

Each of the first three (patent, trade/service mark, copyright) exist because the legislature created laws that define the process and boundaries, ultimately, for those particular types of intellectual property; while ‘trade secret’, though now the subject of specific statutes in most states, was originally created by judicial decisions about what was sensible and fair as written on https://www.harlemworldmagazine.com/why-inventhelp-is-such-a-valuable-resource-for-inventors/.

A Patent?

‘Patent’ is shorthand for ‘Letters Patent’, which means a governmental grant of a limited monopoly for an invented idea. A U.S. patent must be examined by the U.S. Patent (and Trademark) Office, which at least claims to consider whether an individual’s invention is useful, new, and not obvious. You can also patent a design that it is new, or a plant that it was created, not discovered. A patent lasts for 20 years from the date of its initial application and lets the owner prevent anyone else from commercially making, selling, or using the invention in the U.S..

In the U.S., only individuals can be inventors, even though corporations can own patents. Patents are also the subject of international treaties. Two key things to remember about the rest of the world’s view of patents: you must file your patent application before you disclose or sell your invention, and the first to file wins the race. For more information read https://www.kstatecollegian.com/2021/09/24/how-you-can-boost-the-chances-of-becoming-a-successful-inventor-with-inventhelp/.

Boat Battery Chargers

Most modern boat battery chargers use a smart charging technology or sometimes called the “accurate voltage control charging” or 3-step charging. Three step charging works by charging it first with a high current followed by a low current and a much lower current. Finding an on-board boat battery chargers or a charger that is part of the inverter-charger system that can be installed permanently to your boat is very easy. However finding a quality charger that can be used for outside the boat, for example retrievable boats or around the house or garage is more difficult.

Portable smart chargers usually have alligator clips to temporarily attach it to the battery you wish to charge. It has a built-in protective circuit that send and error code just in case you mistakenly inverted the positive and negative poles eliminating the risk of damaging both the battery and the charger. It has a built-in selector switch that allows you select with the different types of battery like AGM, wet cell battery or gel cell battery. You can also choose the temperatures like 95, 35 or 65 degrees F, because all battery charging is temperature dependent, meaning you can use it in all kinds of weather condition from freezing cold climate to tropical hot. You can also select how you want to charge it like 2 amps, 10 amps or 30 amps and it also have a digital display which shows the options you are selecting. It also has LED indicator lights so you can easily see what is going on and the status of the charger and the battery.

Most problem with flooded battery when you use it a lot, charging it back and forth after a while they need equalization, so some charger has a built-in equalization cycle on them. It can also be used as a battery booster just in case you’re having a problem starting your car. When the battery is then fully charged, it automatically goes into float or maintenance mode to avoid overcharging the battery. You can choose from different sizes like 30 amps, 15 amps, 6 amps or the smallest 2 amps maintainer. The unit has a cable compartment so you can just put the cable inside when not in use, very neat. It has a foldable handle so you can carry it anywhere.

The common problem with boat battery charger is when you purchase and install an under rated charger. Not only it will take too long to charge but sometimes it will cause malfunction. Almost all marine battery charger have built-in overcharge protection circuit, a built in timer monitors the time it takes to charge the battery. If it takes too long to charge it will automatically shut the system to protect it from over charging. Other problem is when you use a charger that is not compatible with the type of battery you are using.

Most modern chargers are compatible with different types of battery, like the Gel Cell batteries, all types of lead-acid, flooded or sealed maintenance free batteries but definitely not the Black and Decker Batteries for cordless tools. It has a selector switch that allows you to choose between different types of batteries, different type of batteries has its own program. When you buy a new unit it usually comes with the mounting brackets and the wire needed to connect it to the battery. They are usually only about 4 feet long, so if you want to install it away from the batteries you need to extend or replace them with a longer one. They also have short cord plug, so you need to have a long extension cord. If you want you can also wire it permanently using a marine on-board inlet.

Another thing to consider when choosing the best 3 bank marine battery charger for your boat is that it should be able to withstand any kind of weather condition. Choose one with waterproofed, shockproof corrosion and rust resistant features especially if you are going to use it in salt water environment, one that can withstand extreme ambient conditions including moisture, vibration and shock. There is also solar boat battery charger that you can purchase which is very handy in case of emergency while in the middle of your boating trip where there’s no electrical outlet available.

An Introduction To U.S. Patents

U.S. patent protection is an extremely important consideration for any business involved in the manufacture and sale of products in the United States. The owner of a U.S. patent has, for a limited time, the exclusive right to make all sales of the patented product in the U.S. market. Because the patent owner can legally stop others from making and selling the patented product, a patent owner can charge a premium price for a product they make and sell that can be much higher than the actual cost to manufacture and sell the product.

This means that the patent owner can make potentially very high profits on sales of the patented product during the life of the patent, which can help the owner more quickly recover the investment made to develop the new product. Even if the patent owner does not make and sell the product, they are legally entailed to collect at least a reasonable royalty from anyone else who does. You can always consult with a professional patent agency, such as Invent Help, for any information.

An Example of the Effect on Price of U.S. Patent Protection

A common example of the effect of patent protection on price is the sale of “brand name” drugs at high prices. The patent protection on brand name drugs is what allows the company who first invented the drug to sell it at a high premium price without competition. However, once the patent protection ends competitors enter the market with a “generic” version of the drug at a lower price, taking sales away from the brand name drug, and possibly forcing the manufacturer of the brand name drug to lower its prices in order to maintain sales.

While nobody likes paying high prices, the reality is that without the availability of patent protection and the potential to charge higher prices for at least a limited time to recover development costs a business may be unable to justify the risk of investing money to develop new products. This is particularly so in areas where the cost of research and development is very high (as in many millions of dollars), such as with pharmaceuticals. The higher price consumers may have to pay for a limited time due to patent protection is the price society has decided to pay for encouraging business to investment in new technologies and products.

Profit Considerations

Since bringing a new product to market is often a very expensive and risky investment for a business, many times it can only be justified if there is a potentially very high profit to be made that justifies taking the risk. Accordingly, the availability of patent protection is often a critical factor to consider when deciding whether an investment in a new product is justified.

Without patent protection a business that introduces a new product may not be able to make enough sales at high enough prices to generate profits sufficient to justify the risk of an investment in the new product. Effective patent protection however is often a difficult thing to obtain. The U.S. patent laws can be complex in their application. Individuals with ideas for a new product are particularly vulnerable to being sold services related to patent protection that are ineffective and offer little if any real value.

Be Informed

It is highly recommended that before making any substantial investment in the development a new product, including any services related to protecting, promoting, or manufacturing a product, that an individual or business first consult with a qualified  patent agency like InventHelp. Doing so can save a great deal of time, trouble, and expense in the long run. Affordable consultations are available from the law office of registered U.S. patent attorney.

Patent Registration

According to USA patent Act, 1970 and the rules and regulation governing patent system through out the world, a patent can be obtained only for a single invention which is new and useful. In order to register a patent the captioned invention must relate to a machine, articles or substance produced by manufacture or by the process of manufacture. It s also to be noted that patent may also be obtained for any improvement in article or process of article.

As far as medicines or drug are concerned patent cannot be obtained for the product but a process of manufacturing the substance is patentable. The applicant for a patent must be true and first inventor or a person to whom title has been assigned by the inventor. If the patent has been assigned to someone than it must clearly specify the limits of monopoly.

The invention in respect of which the patent is claimed must be unique and must not be obvious with those who are skilled in the art to which it relates. Thus an application for patent is considered for registration when all the requisite criteria are fulfilled as laid down by the rules and regulation governing patent laws. You could hire professionals, such as InventHelp to help.

Patent Registration Process

The procedures to register patent applications are different in different countries. A national phase application is filed within 30 months from the date of priority in most of the countries being part of patent cooperation treaty.

Patent of addition can be filed at any time before the grant of patent. As far as convention application is concerned it has to be filed within 12 months from the date it has been filed in convention country to get the benefit of priority. Divisional application is filed when an application speaks of two inventions, but it is filed at the discretion of the inventor. You can get help from InventHelp patenting agency. Read more about InventHelp on KansasCityMag.

An application for patent may be made by any person who claims to be the true inventor, assignee or legal representative of the deceased. Thus the time period and examination process of patent application in different countries is different but the procedure is one and the same.